Columns & Bio-Chemicals

Columns & Bio-Chemicals
FPLC Columns
Protein Ark offers a range of chromatography columns suitable for protein purification; from empty FliQ FPLC columns (1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml & 20 ml), pre-packed HiFliQ FPLC columns (1 ml & 5 ml) to batch incubation spin columns and Proteus pre-packed spin column kits. With over 25 years chromatography experience, we have laboratory columns to suit all your protein purification needs.
Protein Purification Resins
Protein Ark’s High Performance Super Resins include Ni-NTA, Co-NTA, Glu, Protein A, Protein G and Heparin chemistries. Heparin, Ni-NTA, Co-NTA and Glu chemistries are supplied as High Performance resins with a mean bead size of 35 μm. High selective binding capacity is the key benefit of Protein Ark’s Super resins.

Protein Ark’s Fastback Resins include Protein A & G, Co IMAC, Ni IMAC chemistries. The mean bead size of the Protein Ark Fastback resins range is 90 μm, ideal for fast purification of target proteins.

The holy grail in ultrafiltration (UF) is to eliminate sample fouling and to enhance recovery and purity of target protein during the concentration or buffer exchange step. Generon has introduced a 2.5 ml non-stick UF concentrator to provide the highest possible protein recoveries. This is due to 2 factors: the low protein binding CTA membrane and critically, the design of the X-spinner which ensures that ultrafiltration is in opposite direction to the centrifugal force. The contra design also ensures that the filter does not clog. This is the first centrifugal concentrator designed with membrane proteins as a key application.

High value and high purity biochemicals from The Protein Company:

Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP; >98% purity), the next generation reducing agent used to cleave disulphide bridges. Inert to metal ions used in IMAC.

FLAG (DYKDDDDK; >95% purity; see adjacent image) and 3xFLAG (MDYKDHDGDYKDHDIDYKDDDDK; >95% purity) peptides for elution of FLAG tagged proteins.

Ultrapure isopropyl 1-thio-β-Dgalactoyranoside (IPTG; >99.5% purity; Dioxane-free) for induction of protein expression in bacteria. IPTG promotes lactose utilization by inhibiting the LacI repressor.